Facebook Home “Unlocked” + “Working Chat Heads” APK [NO ROOT]

The XDA developers team member theos0o released a Facebook Home MOD that works for all Android devices without root. According to XDA Facebook Home MOD is tested on GNEX, Nexus 7 emulators. So, continue to find installation instructions for Facebook Home MOD.

Android 4.0+ installed

Uninstall original facebook, facebook messenger and facebook home apps. If facebook is pre-installed then you probably need root to remove it


+ Facebook Messenger with Chat heads fix


  • Extract .rar!
  • Install com.facebook.katana (FB app), then com.facebook.home (Home app).
  • Also install com.facebook.orca.apk (Messenger app).
  • Enable facebook home under facebook app settings.
  • If you face any issues, reboot into recovery and wipe dalvik cache.
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