Are you one who getting this error “This app is no longer share with you” on your iPhone? You might see this error after updating apps or updating software iOS, iPadOS on your device. When you see this popup dialog on your device and try to fix the error by tapping “View in App Store” but failed and stuck in a loop when try to open the app again.
Fix “This app is no longer shared with you…” error message
On your iPhone or iPad, to solve this error message “This app is no longer shared with you. To use it you must buy it from the App Store” follow the given steps below.
- On your device open up the Settings.
- Tap the iPhone Storage / iPad Storage option according to the device iPhone / iPad.
- Find the app from the list that gives an error message, tap to open the app’s storage details.
- Here, you will see the app version, actual app size, and document and data size, also the Offload App, and Delete App buttons. Simply tap the “Offload App” button and then confirm to offload it.
- Wait for a moment and let it offload. Once done, your will see the “Reinstall App” button. Tap the Reinstall App button to install it again.
Instead of deleting and installing again, the offloading app makes sure the app related data is safe on your device it will not be deleted with the app. You can choose to delete the app if the app related data is not important for you.
Tell us if the above method fixes the error message. Use the comments form below to tell us your experience with this error and when did your see this message “This app is no longer shared with you. To use it you must buy it from the App Store” Did your update the iOS or iPadOS or just get this error dialog randomly.