iOS 7.1 Reduce Transparency and Blur for Dock, Menus, and More

iOS 7.1 added few new visual options to control transparency. You can use this option if you don’t like transparency and blur and its distracting you. Reduce Transparency option under accessibility can reduce transparent effect in Notification Center, Keyboard, Menus, the Dock and more… Lets see how to reduce transparency in iOS 7.1.

Reduce Transparency and Blur in iOS 7.1

If you are running iOS 7.1 on your iPhone or iPad then open Settings on your device or Update you iPhone or iPad to iOS 7.1 first.

Tap the General option and then scroll down a bit and tap on Accessibility.

Here Tap the Increase Contrast option and then use the Reduce Transparency switch to turn it on.

Do you like this option to make dock, menus, keyboard less transparent? Tell us below in comments.

Categories: iOS
Tags: iOS 7.1

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