Despite being a frequent user of Microsoft Word we often get stuck on little but very relevant options like showing the page numbers according to some selected or particular manner. In this guide, you will learn how to add page numbers, start page numbering later in your document like starting page numbering on page 2, [...]
15 Microsoft Word Shortcuts Everyone Need to Know
Aug 1, 2017We all are familiar with the use of Microsoft Word and its importance in maintaining all sort of documents. Becoming familiar with these easy Microsoft Office shortcuts would help you gain mastery in its application. Technological advancements have no doubt offered lots of ease for maintaining documents, but it’s Microsoft Word that has always won [...]
15 Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know
Jul 20, 2017Data organization, analysis, and storage are the most important tasks for any functional institution to stay up to the mark in the corporate world. All these tasks have been performed actively using an interactive computer application known to us as a spreadsheet, which allows to display and manage the data in tabular form. Out of [...]
How to Auto Backup and Recover Saved or Unsaved Word Document
Jan 30, 2016This guide is all about auto backup, auto recover a Microsoft Word saved or unsaved file. You will also see how to auto backup and get previous version of your Word document that you just saved? Backup your documents or any kind of files while working on it is very good idea but sometimes we [...]
How to Extend or Reset Microsoft Office Trial Period 30 to 180 Days
Jun 6, 2015Microsoft offers to download and try Office products for 30 days without paying anything. After 30 days of the trial period, you have to pay and activate the license. But, there is a trick that you can use to extend Office trial without spending and use it for 180 days which is about six months. [...]
Fix Office Activation Error (0x80070005) We’re sorry…try again later…
Jan 9, 2015If you are one of them who getting this 0x80070005 error while activating the Office 2013. According to Microsoft Office support page this error is related to Microsoft Office and Office 360 (Personal, Student, Home, Pro, Business versions). See also: how to find Office product key Fix Office Activation Error 0x80070005 Error: "We're sorry, something [...]
How to Password Protect Presentation File PowerPoint 2013
May 30, 2014To protect PowerPoint presentation file from other people to open and edit it except those who know the password, there is a protect presentation section in PowerPoint 2013 where you can apply password to the file (.pptx). In this guide you will learn how to password protect PowerPoint presentation file or Mark as final that [...]
How to Add Caption to Figure, Picture, Table or Objects in Word 2013
May 23, 2014Captions for Figures, Pictures, Tables or other document objects are really useful to give label and numbering to figures in the document. Captions mostly used to create table of figures, picture, etc just like creating table of contents in a word document. Basically caption is just a label with a auto generated number, you can [...]
How to Create Table of Figures in Word 2013
Apr 22, 2014Table of figures is very similar to table of contents and you can list your illustrations, figures used in your word document on one page. Using table of figures, its really easy to find specific illustration, pictures or any other figure that you add to the list. Creating a table of figures in Microsoft Word [...]
How to Create Table of Contents in Word 2013 (TOC)
Apr 19, 2014In-case you are creating a very long document in Word, managing or creating a Table of contents can be very annoying. But not anymore because Word 2013 has the option to automatically create a list of table of contents according to your document, and we published a guide create TOC in word 2010 and 2007 [...]
How to Print Background Color and Images in Word
Feb 19, 2014By default Microsoft Word would not print page background color or images, because most of the time you don’t need to print background images or colors in word documents. But, if you want to print background color in word then you can set the option to show background in Print view and print it as [...]
How to Change the Ruler Units from Inches to Centimeters or others in Word
Feb 15, 2014Ruler in Microsoft Word document are very useful when it comes to measure something. There are different ruler units are available in Word and some people are comfortable with ruler in inches and others with centimeters or points, you can change the ruler units in word as you like in inches, centimeters, milometers, and more. [...]
How to Hide, Delete or Clear Recent Documents List in Microsoft Word
Feb 14, 2014Microsoft word shows the recent documents list to open documents quickly that you opened recently and you can control this list and change the number of documents to be displayed in the list. Some people even don’t want to show what they are working on so Word gives option to hide, clear recent documents or [...]
How to Always Paste Text Without Formatting in Microsoft Word Document
Feb 12, 2014When you try to copy and paste something in Microsoft word document, it always apply the same source formatting. I am sick of this thing and found few settings under Word options to fix this and always paste as plain text in word document. So lets see how we can set copy and paste settings [...]

Email a Document Directly from Word 2013 and Excel
Dec 28, 2013Do you know you can send emails directly from Microsoft Word and Excel? Yes, you can send Word document as an email body and Excel spreadsheets as an Attachment file or single sheet as an email body directly from the Word or Excel itself. See also: Add Calculator in Excel Toolbar Email a Document from [...]

How to Remove all Images From Word Document Without Losing Text Formatting
Dec 6, 2013Some time we copy data from different websites and it contains different graphic elements pictures or images that we don’t want to include in our Word document. Its really difficult to remove all images or graphic elements one by one from that copied data. By using simple find and replace method in Word we can [...]

How to Customize Bullet and Number Lists in Word 2013
Nov 29, 2013Microsoft Word gives option to format bullet or numbered list. You can apply different style on all or individual bullets. Applying few styles to lists in your Word document will standout your work from others. See also: Create Table of Contents in Word As you can see below in screenshot, list number 3 & 4 [...]

How to Add Google Calendar to Outlook 2013
Nov 11, 2013If you are Outlook 2013 user, and also use Google calendar in your daily life to keep track of important events. You can add your Google Calendar to Outlook and view all your event right inside Outlook 2013. In Outlook we will add calendar as an internet calendar, see how-to add Google Calendar to Outlook [...]

How to Add Calculator to Excel 2013 Toolbar or Ribbon
Nov 6, 2013Microsoft Excel 2013 gives option to add Windows calculator to Excel Quick Access Toolbar or Ribbon. This way a user can directly access calculator right inside the Excel to perform some calculations tasks in spreadsheets without leaving the Excel. So, this is the sort of an interaction enhancement feature added to Microsoft Excel 2013, to [...]
How to Disable Office 2013 Start Screen
Sep 18, 2013When you open any of Office 2013 application like Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc. it shows a start screen with several options like direct access to your recently opened documents, templates which you can chose to create a new document and so and so on. Although, the Office 2013 Start screen is a useful addition but [...]
Stop Auto Formatting of Numbers into Date in Microsoft Excel
Jul 24, 2013Whenever you eneter numbers separated by a hyphen in Microsoft Excel, it automatically converts that data into date format. Suppose you type “2-2” in Excel it becomes “02-Feb” automatically, so to prevent this automatic formatting of numbers into date in Excel follow simple steps below. Prevent Excel from Reformatting Numbers into Date Method-1 Step-1 Select [...]
How to Edit PDF File in MS Word 2013
Apr 4, 2013Microsoft Word 2013 includes a very useful feature that allows users to edit PDF files. So, through steps written below you may learn how to convert PDF text into editable Word 2013 document and again save it as PDF. Edit PDF File in MS Word 2013 Step-1 Launch MS Word 2013, and to open your [...]
Download Microsoft Office 2013 Customer Preview
Jul 17, 2012With the upcoming Windows 8, it was obvious to announce the next iteration of Office, so thats here as Microsoft unleashed and made available Office 2013 Customer Preview for download to general public for free. Office 2013 Customer Preview which also named Office 365 Preview is a testing release for public, which is integrated with [...]
How to Create a Custom Bullet in Microsoft Word
Jul 16, 2012Microsoft offers some specific bullets for Word, which you can use to list some features in a document. Now, if you are getting bore with Word’s built-in bullet styles then here is a guide which will provide you an opportunity to learn that how can you create custom bullets in Word. Create a Custom Bullet [...]
How to Quickly Insert Trademark, Copyright and Registered Symbols into Word Document
Jun 3, 2011Symbols like ™ (Trademark), © (Copyright), ® (Registered) does not exist on keyboard but if you want to know the keyboard shortcuts to insert those symbols into Word 2007/2010 document quickly then continue reading. These tips are quite helpful for writers, students, publishers, editors and people who have to type reports frequently in Word and [...]