How to Add Calculator to Excel 2013 Toolbar or Ribbon

Microsoft Excel 2013 gives option to add Windows calculator to Excel Quick Access Toolbar or Ribbon. This way a user can directly access calculator right inside the Excel to perform some calculations tasks in spreadsheets without leaving the Excel. So, this is the sort of an interaction enhancement feature added to Microsoft Excel 2013, to be able to add calculator to itself to give users quick access to calculator. In following we provide a step by step instructions set that enables you to add calculator to Excel 2013 toolbar / ribbon.

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In this guide we are going to add calculator in Ribbon under the Home tab and before big Paste icon.
Right click on Excel Ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon.. option


If you want to add Calculator icon in the Quick Access Toolbar (Icons right on the top of the window) then choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar... option.



Do the following steps on Excel Options window

Select All Commands from Choose commands form drop-down menu.
Create a new group in Main Tabs.
select Home from Main Tabs and,
click on New Group button.
Find and select Calculator in the commands list.
Click on Add >> button to add calculator in ribbon tools.



That’s it, now click OK button to save changes and you can see the Windows Calculator icon in the Excel 2013 ribbon



To change the place of Calculator icon and give a proper name to the group, follow the following steps below.

Perform the step-1 again to open Excel Options windows.
Select the group that we added earlier and click on Rename button.
Type the display name, select the Calculator icon from icons list and click OK button.



To change the icon place in Excel 2013 ribbon select the group and click on UP/Down arrows button, take it to above the Clipboard group. Save the changes by clicking OK button



Here you can see the calculator icon location is changed and the display name as well.



In this guide you have added Windows Calculator icon in Excel 2013 ribbon / toolbar. You can add more tools or commands in the ribbon go and explore the other command in Excel Options windows and add your own favorite commands or tools in the Excel ribbon.

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