How to Use Facebook Chat Without Messenger App on iPhone, iPad and Android

Facebook has turned out to be be one of the important parts of our lives in past few years. These days socialization almost seems impossible without Facebook. Facebook has become very popular in recent times among the internet users around the globe. Facebook is one of those URLs that hold most part of internet traffic. Facebook has emerged as one of the largest social networking site on the internet. Facebook was founded 10 years back in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and colleagues. As of march 2014, Facebook has 1.28 billion monthly active users. As Facebook has become very popular in all regions of the world support for many languages had been added.

Facebook these days is throwing frequent updates to its smartphone App and with every update changes are made to the App. Some changes are good and acceptable while other were not welcomed by the users. Some of us find the regular updates confusing and beyond understanding. earlier Facebook introduced a Messenger App which is a standalone app featuring Facebook chat. Messenger has great features and many find it convenient while others do not like the messenger as per Facebook expectations and preferred the official app for communicating.

Now a days, when you download Facebook app on you smartphone iOS or Android and want to send a message to any of your friend, it forces you to download the messenger App. You only have to download it once but many of us don’t like jumping in and out of Apps. It’s a problem for most of us. At trickyways.com where there is a problem there is a fix for that. There are two fixes i.e. for jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices. Jailbroken devices have the permanent solution while non-jailbroken devices, it’s just a trick and Facebook might fix it soon. Below is the detail what to do.

For Jailbroken iPhone or iPad

This is a permanent solution for using official Facebook app for messaging,

  1. Open up Cydia.
  2. Go to sources section, head to BigBoss repository which might be there by default if not then add it.
  3. Search for FBNoNeedMessenger tweak and install it.
  4. After installation is completed, respring your device and now you would be able to use Official Facebook app for sending and receiving messages instead of messenger App.

For Android and Non-Jailbroken iPhone or iPad

  1. Download official Facebook App.
  2. Tap on the messages icon in the app, when prompted hit install button.
  3. When download begins hit the progress icon to halt the download in its track.
  4. Now open the official Facebook app, you’ll now be able to use official Facebook app for sending messages.

As we know that Facebook don’t wants us to use official app for sending and receiving messages Facebook might soon fix the hack. And if you have a jailbroken device than you must go with permanent fix. And you can always use browser and head to www.facebook.com and send and receive messages at the same place.

Categories: Android iOS
Tags: Facebook
Rizwan Ashraf:

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