How to Change Default File Saving Location in Office 2007

When you’re working on a document in MS Office 2007 and try to save the document, the Office 2007 suggests a default location to save your file that is “My Documents” folder. What if you want to change the default file save/open location in Office 2007 to some folder else where you keep all your documents?

No problem, you can set your desired folder as default file saving location in office 2007. To do so simply follow the steps mentioned below:

How to Change Default File Save/Open Location in Office 2007

NOTE: This Applies to all MS Office 2007 products; Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. In this guide I’m going to use MS Word 2007.

Step 1

Open up Word 2007.


Step 2

Go to the Circular Office button at the top left corner.


Step 3

Go to the Word Options at the bottom right of the Menu.

Options window will be opened up.


Step 4

Go to the Save tab from the left pane. Under the right pane you will find Default file location.

There you can input your desired file save/open path or simply click the browse button and choose the desired folder.

4 comments… add one
prom September 30, 2009, 1:15 am

works for all word, excel, poerpoint, Thanks

Aloe September 30, 2009, 4:14 pm

This is easy

Robert Ramberg October 26, 2009, 10:31 am

fantastic guidance

Grozen December 25, 2009, 4:36 pm

Very very nice Office 2007 tips

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