To access any web site without internet is possible but you must have visit that website in past. If you lost your internet connection due to any reason and you want to access that website, sounds crazy right? But yes it is true just some modifying in Google Chrome. After modification Google Chrome saved a cashed copy of every website you visit.
See also: Password Protect Google Chrome Browser
Enable Show Saved Copy Button in Chrome
To enable show offline saved copy of the web page that you already visited you need to modify Google Chrome flags. So to access flags Open Google Chrome and type chrome://flags
in the browser address bar and hit Enter.
Here you will see a list of different hidden options for Google Chrome, find “Enable Offline Load Stale Button” Button entry and change it from Default
to Enabled
Enabling the option will show you a button called “Show saved copy” in the browser when unable to connect to the internet and using this button you can view already visited web pages without internet connectivity.
Now relaunch your browser and visit any website. After that disable your internet connection, again open same web page. You will see an option Show saved copy. Just click on it to open cashed version of that website.
Don’t change any other settings in Google Chrome flags until you know what are you doing. Because this may change the behavior of Chrome Browser.