How to Flash Android N on Sony Xperia Z3

Google has announced new non-nexus device Sony Xperia Z3 in elite group of devices which can have upcoming OS Android N. Google confirmed that Sony Xperia Z3 owners can flash their smartphones on latest Android N but the thing is currently its supporting two specific models D6603 and D6653.

Once you updates to your device to Android N, you will have all the Android N features like Bundled notifications, battery saving Doze, multi windows and memory relinquishing etc.


Flash Android N on Sony Xperia Z3

  1. Download and install latest version of Xperia Companion from here. (Make sure you have Xperia Companion version 1.1.24 or later.)
  2. Connect your Xperia device to your computer using USB cable. Xperia Companion will automatically open.
  3. Now hold down the ALT key on your computer keyboard and click on Software repair on Xperia Companion home screen, after that follow the guide.
  4. You will be asked to disconnect you Xperia device and turn it off, then to reconnect whilst holding down (volume down key) to start the software flashing.

You can also go back to factory settings when you want to. Simply connect you devices to your computer, Xperia companion will open, click on Software repair and follow the instruction.

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