If you use lot of pictures in your PowerPoint Presentation file then this will automatically increase the file size of presentation. You can reduce the presentation file size by compressing and cropping the pictures using PowerPoint 2010 built-in feature.Lets see how to compress and reduce PowerPoint presentation file size.
Open you PowerPoint presentation file
Click on “File” tab and select “Save As”

In the “Save As” window:
Type the file name like “Presentation_Compressed”
Click on Tools menu and select “Compress Pictures”

Select “Delete cropped area of pictures” checkbox. Also select one of the “Target output” option like “Screen (150 ppi): good for web pages and projectors”. You can select any other option like Print, Email, etc. according to the requirements.

Who likes convenience and better compression ratios should look at FILEminimizer from balesio.com/fileminimizersuite
It reduces the size of your PowerPoint and other Office files by 50-90% with one click and if you wish directly before sending out via email.
Free trial on the website.
This idea to reduce a presentation linked to XL 2010 made no difference. Perhaps it only helps if you have photos in slides not charts. Nothing reduces chart sizes not even breaking the links to XL.
Perfect – this reduced my PowerPoint file (rich in images) down to under a quarter of the size.
That is easy for a way to compressed, It’s working clearly
Manimarna . R