TinyUmbrella 5.10.01 Available Now for Windows and Mac

Notcom has released TinyUmbrella 5.10.01 for Windows and Mac to save SHSH blobs for iOS over iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. According to official blog post the latest TinyUmbrella:

See also:
How to Save SHSH Blobs Using TinyUmbrella
How to Downgrade iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5 to iOS 4.3.3 with TinyUmbrella

“TinyUmbrella that will add an ApNonce to the APTicket request. There is no simple way to handle saving both types of SHSH (one with no ApNonce in the request and one with an ApNonce in the request). At least, there is no simple way for me to do it in the time that I have available for such a change.

In order to be the ABSOLUTE safest, your best bet would be to zip up your .shsh directory and put it in a safe place. Normally I would do something to save this for you but it would be a rather bit TU change for me to manage saving two types of the same SHSH version.”

Download TinyUmbrella 5.10.01 for Windows
Download TinyUmbrella 5.10.01 for Mac

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