As scheduled Apple seeded update to its upcoming OS X Yosemite beta, OS X Yosemite is the 11th major update to Apple’s Macintosh and desktop operating systems. It was announced and released for developers at WWDC 2014, June 2nd 2014 and would soon be available to general public. Yosemite is named after the national park in California following the landmark based naming scheme of OS X Mavericks. The developer preview 6 comes right after developer preview 5 was released. Well how to get the latest beta of OS X Yosemite and installing it, find it below.
See also: OS Yosemite Installer USB Drive
As per now OS X Yosemite is not available for general public but still if you have a developers account or registered with Apple’s beta testing program than you can have OS X Yosemite Developer preview 6 right now. As Apple has seeded sixth update to its beta version of OS X Yosemite for Macintosh and Desktop operating system, OS X Yosemite developer preview can be directly downloaded at Mac App store if you have a developer account or are registered in Apple’s beta testing program.

OS X Yosemite developer preview 6 is identified as build 14A329f, Apple’s developer tools have also received an update, with Xcode 6 beta 6 available to test. OS X Yosemite beta 6 comes with the usual Performance improvements, Bug Fixes and some other changes. Well OS X Yosemite Developer preview 6 doesn’t bring any new feature but has enhance what Apple had before in the OS X Yosemite. OS X Yosemite developer preview 6 comes with number of new Built in Wallpapers, Many icons have been tweaked or changed, Battery icon and system preferences tool has been added to the taskbar. ”Do not disturb” switch for new beta has also been added in new beta 6.
Apart from fresh look OS X Yosemite is also packed with exciting new features. Well IOS has not received any update this Monday but Apple is keeping up the continuity with OS X. Apple is throwing Updates to ensure better user experience once final version is out. Well for those who don’t know here is How to Enroll in Beta Testing program and here is How to dual boot and Install. Keeping the tradition Apple will keep throwing updates to its beta version until the final official release. Now let’s see what Apple comes up with in final version, and if you are not enrolled in beta testing program nor have a developer account than you surely have to wait until the Final version is out with public release.