How to Run Multiple Accounts of Facebook, Skype, Games or Apps on Android Device

Do you want to run multiple Facebook, Instagram, Skype accounts on Android device simultaneously? Yes, you can do that not only these social apps you can also play with two accounts for a Games to get more coins and rewards. By default most Android apps will not let you login to more than one account, which mean if you want to login another account on same Android device then you have to sign out from first one.

Everyone wants new and amazing things to impress someone. In my situation i want to run multiple Skype accounts on Android for personal and office use. You may have more than one Facebook, Instagram, Skype accounts for different purposes and want to login to them at the same time. This task wasn’t easy to do on Android device without an app, we previously guide you to run different Skype accounts concurrently on computer.

Run Multiple Accounts Simultaneously

Using an Android app which makes this little easier to run multiple instances of Android app. It works on any Android app by creating a modified version of an app that use different signature then original app, which allows you to use different accounts at same times. But some apps don’t work with this trick like Snapchot, WhatsApp, most Google’s official apps, and maybe some more.

  • First thing you have to do is install a free “Parallel Space-Multi Accounts” app from Google PlayStore. This will helps you to run Multiple Skype Accounts, Facebook and Instagram, or more apps on Android Device
  • When you first launch this app, you will get a quick feature tour. This tour will tells you there are more possibilities than just Instagram and Facebook. In other word you can virtually clone any app or game. Once you done viewed tap the ‘Start Exploring’ on last screen.
  • At this point, if you already install Instagram or Facebook then you will be offered to login to second account immediately. Tap anywhere to dismiss this offer especially recently Instagram officially implemented multi accounts in their app.
    To begin tap on ‘+’ button at the button of screen and select an app which you want to clone.
  • After adding, you will see another icon of same app in Parallel Space main menu. Facebook and Instagram clone icon will show up in your device drawer. But the other entire apps clone icon only show in Parallel Space menu, you can manually create shortcut for them.
    You are ready to login with new account. Just open your clone app anytime.

If you like this please comment and share this guide, and you may also interested in a guide we already posted how to use more than one Dropbox account on one computer.

3 comments… add one
Abbas May 13, 2016, 7:26 pm

But this app drain the battery quickly.

Ahmed May 16, 2016, 2:26 pm

This app might draining battery faster because it helps to run multiple instances of different apps at once. How did you check this app is draining battery faster?

zaka ullah February 28, 2017, 10:14 am

its running too slow plz give me instructions through this email address …
i m w8ing!!!

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