Windows 10 shows an error every time you login into your Windows 10, you will see this pop-up error on your screen saying “Microsoft account problem – We need to fix your Microsoft account (most likely your password changed).” This Windows 10 notification message shows without any reason, whether you set up your Microsoft account in Windows 10 or not.

This error appears in Windows 10 only due to some technical glitch, your PC is not syncing correctly with online account because of the changed password. This error also shows even you don’t change your Microsoft password.
Whenever I get to my Windows desktop screen I always get this message in my notifications area that says there is a problem with your Microsoft account — most likely your password was changed. I haven’t changed it any time recently and when I log in to my Microsoft account, it never shows me there is any problem. This is every time I get to the Windows desktop. What is going on with this? Is this a bug on their part? I don’t really use my local account on my computer.
Fix Microsoft account problem message
There are several ways to fix this Windows 10 error message related to Microsoft account problem – We need to fix your Microsoft account (most likely your password changed). Select here to fix it in Shared experiences settings, just follow the steps exactly and carefully. Let’s have a look at how to solve the Microsoft account problem.
Method 1: Turn off Shared experience
This is a simple and very first way to fix this problem. Just turn off the shared experience in Windows 10 to stop the syncing. To do this navigates to settings from notification panel and then click on All Settings.
Now click on System which is the first option, and then select Shared experience from the left menu list. Now toggle off button (Let apps on other devices open and message apps on this device and vice versa) to turn it off under the Share across devices.

After that just restart your computer and you will Microsoft problem will be gone. If not or Shared experience is already off then move to the next method.
Method 2: Use local account or Shared experience already off and the problem exists
If you are not using Microsoft account or planning to don’t want to use anymore then use a local account instead of Microsoft account. By doing this your Windows will not bind with email or app in Windows 10.
To do this again you need to go to the Shared experience by going to Settings, System and then from the left menu list Shared experience.
Under the Account (Shared experience use all system accounts to authorize actions across devices), click on Manage your accounts.

Now you will your Microsoft account under the Accounts used by email, calendar, and contacts. Click on the account and then click on manage.

Here you need to remove your Microsoft account by clicking on Delete account from this device.

Related: How to Create Local User Account in Windows 10 without Microsoft Account
Method 3: Logout and Login back
By logging again to Microsoft account in Windows 10, many users reported this wired fix works for them but the regular pass won’t work for some users, in that case, you need to enter your Microsoft ID credentials (username and password) to login to the Windows.
Method 4: Update your Windows to the latest version
If you don’t have the latest version of Windows 10, you need to update your Windows by going into Settings and then click on Update & Security option. Now click on Check for the update. After the update complete, restart your computer and check the problem is solved or not.

If anything expects above works for you, feel free to share it with us through the comments below.
I turned off the sharing, much of which had been enabled. I didn’t enable it. I have always refused sync and cloud services. My password is long and complicated, it hasn’t changed. I still get the message. I just clear messages and I don’t see it for a while, maybe a day. It reminds me how stupid a computer can be, and how little control we have over it. It decreases my confidence in Microsoft but with the addition of the short-lived Microsoft mouse, it is probably a good thing that I have this decreased confidence.
Having used Windows since the first iteration, I can enthusiastically agree with all who detest Windows 10. Windows 7 was an excellent version, and although I once was in IT, there are those who know much more than I do, and they detest Windows 10.
Sad that Microsoft just doesn’t care about this. I have gotten the message since installing Win 10. In my opinion Win 10 is nothing but bundled spyware. We’d all have been better off if they had just stayed with Win 7 but it’s always about the money and forcing a garbage operating system on the masses. I hope for the day when Windows has some real competition.
none of this works for me. I get the popup almost every other day and have to put in my password each time to fix it.
It’s getting SUPER annoying.
My shared experience is off and there are no Microsoft accounts(I deleted them on my own prior to this posting). I was not getting this notification before the last big update(Version 2004 on 6-11-20). Also with the last update, the Defragment application does not report the last date of defragmentation. It always says “never” after I restart the computer even though I have just performed a defrag. I hope this gives you a clue to fix these problems.
You don’t need to defrag your computer anymore. Windows 10 does this on its own since its a basic task that should have been automatic in the first place.
I’ve done all I can to fix the pop up to no avail. I give up. I agree with Jeffrey, it’s mostly spyware.
I found out how to fix it. I have begun to lose hope on trying to fix it since it appeared around 3 months ago and I didn’t know how to fix it. But today, I finally fixed it. All I did was booted my laptop into safe mode and then rebooted out of safe mode and it worked. To boot into safe mode, go to the start menu, click power. Hold the shift key and then click restart. After that, just wait. When you’re in safe mode, click the continue to windows 10 button then just wait. It should fix it.
I hope this helps.
Same issue! Fix your game Microsoft!
I agree with the general comments here, this is not a configuration problem, this is a Microsoft problem. This was all working just fine, I did not change my account options or passwords, installed an update and now it pops this message up every time I turn the machine on.
The same problem. It’s extremely annoying.
One can only concur with the sentiments expressed so far, and censure a system which doesn’t allow redress. It’s frustrating, annoying, irritating and impossible to live with. So much for the smart technology which rules Microsoft.
All of the above!! Rue the day I upgraded to 10. 7 was wonderful.
I use the 4 digit pin. It’s still annoying, but not as bad as putting in a long-winded password.
I have to problem signing in my Microsoft account
Same problem here. Must be a reason why microsoft doesn’t fix this annoyance.
FYI, I had this message twice (in the Message Centre in the system tray), and the only thing I had to do was open the settings window advised, and it was gone. I was NOT willing to enter old OR new passwords for ‘unexplained’ messages.
After that I found out that in both cases I had a TeamViewer session the day before to take over someone else his computer . Maybe that explains something for others too.
B.t.w., I do not have a Microsoft account on my PC, so for that the message was hitting nothing for me.
But – what if people ~do~ want to sync their devises? We have to disable all that to avoid nasty popup from Microsoft?
This is a Microsoft bug that is happening to both my computer and my mother’s computer. Both of us have settings correct without changed passwords.
Same annoying problem, every day or so. Even Microsoft tech support can’t seem to fix it.
This has been happening to me exactly as described by everyone else. It has done this since I installed win 10 3 years ago. I don’t do sharing and it was off when I checked it. I did the other suggested steps and yet, it continues to pop up every time I restart my machine. I leave it on most of the time but still, this is a pain especially when installing software or an MS update that requires restarting. I have the very latest updates on win 10. I also keep getting a pop up telling me my tablet is disconnected and, it will give me about 10 of those one right after the other even though, I have not had my tablet connected to this pc in about 6 months! Windows sucks.
Thank God I am not Alone.
I have had the same problem for 12 months or more. Tried every way, even tried to sort this problem via Xbox and again no luck. This is so annoying and frustrating. It’s about time Microsoft sorted this problem out.
There is a lot of uncertainty and suspicion in this process. Microsoft might get more acceptance if it used more user-friendly language in each of its prompts – AND if it assured users of Microsoft 10 that their existing network connections (for example, multiple users sharing a laptop and a desktop pc for a printer) would not be disturbed by doing the Microsoft “fix.” Microsoft needs to realize that many of its users do not understand its wonky instructions nor its explanations! Also, I think it would be of help, if Microsoft assured users that their privacy would not lessened by the fix.
I read through the possible options and Method 4: Update your Windows to the latest version was the one that worked for me, so a BIG THANK YOU as I am most grateful!
This just another example of Microsoft messing things up (Windows 10 in general is crap), and then trying to make it the user’s job to go through a bunch of crap to try to fix it. It is something Microsoft SHOULD just fix on THEIR end, since THEY are the ones who screwed it up. Also they have so much crap enabled by default that many people are not interested in using. It is the OPPOSITE of “user friendly.” Just like it is reasonable to expect that each successive version of Windows should be BETTER, faster, an improvement, more efficient, more user friendly, etc. than the last one… we also expect that Windows updates should FIX problems, and IMPROVE things, instead of CAUSING more issues. But since Microsoft has pretty much a monopoly on operating systems, they aren’t very motivated to make sure people get the best operating system they can offer. Even some very old games that ran okay on Windows 7 no longer work properly with Windows 10, and everything is just slower. Admittedly my cheap old refurbished PC isn’t that great, but things worked better on this SAME PC before “upgrading” to Windows 10. I think anybody who paid for Windows 10 ought to get a full refund and then some.
Have had the message popping up for months and already done every method with no avail. Just did your method and so far I’ve had one reboot without the message, I’m hopeful this works and I’ll be back in a month or so for and update, thanks!
Nope, none of these options fixes the issue.
After rebooting it starts all again.
It’s MS revenge on us all, also to force us to Windows 11,
Use the Force and resist the Evil Empire.
Failing that, there’s always Linux.