How to Run Chrome OS in Windows 7

After availability of Google Chrome OS / Chromium OS source code, one of gdgt engineer able to make virtual image of Chrome OS. Now you can run Chrome OS on Windows, Linux or Mac by using VMware or VirtualBox. To run Chrome OS in Windows 7 follow these steps after a jump.

Update: This Chrome OS image is no longer available on gdgt and alternative latest builds links are available by another developer hexxeh, all links in this guide are updated. You can also try and run this light Chrome OS on USB drive.

Run Chrome OS Virtual Machine

Download Virtual box x86/amd version click here. Register and Download Chrome OS image here and use 7-Zip to extract actual Chrome OS  image file.

  • Install VirtualBox that you have downloaded in Step-1. Follow the installation wizard steps to install VirtualBox
  • Run the VirtualBox click on Start button > All programs > Sun VirtualBox > VirtualBox
  • This will asks you for the registration, if you want to get news updates about VirtualBox fill the form and submit or just click Cancel.
  • Click on New icon to create a new Virtual machine.
  • Click Next button to start virtual machine wizard
  • Type ChromeOS in the name field or type what you like, Select operating system as Linux and Version as Other Linux and click Next button (see screenshot below)
  • Select amount of memory to virtual machine like 256 or you can increase to 512 and click Next button
  • In the next windows select the Use existing hard disk radio button and click on yellow folder icon
  • Now its time to load Chrome OS virtual image that you have download and extracted in step-2, click on Add icon and select the file.
  • Select the loaded virtual image and click the Select button
  • Click Next button and then Finish

  • Now you have loaded Chrome OS but its not strated yet, you need to click Start icon to start it and wait for few seconds to start Chrome OS.
  • Here you can see Chrome OS is running in Windows 7 you nee a Google ID to login into Chrome OS.

Feel free to ask about any problem you are facing to install Chome OS in Windows 7.

See also how to install Chrome OS on Mac

21 comments… add one
Anders November 21, 2009, 6:07 pm

Great work

Nono November 21, 2009, 6:08 pm

thanks for this guidance for Chrome OS

Nishant Rajrishi November 22, 2009, 12:36 am

Thank you. Worked perfectly. Spent half an hour fidgeting with VMware Player and VirtualBox. Had neither of them work for me. Until I read this.

eros November 22, 2009, 1:48 pm

Can you do this on XP?

trickYguY November 23, 2009, 1:04 am

You can use the same method to Run Chrome OS in Windows XP

arifsaleem November 24, 2009, 8:53 am

Hi, I was wondering if you could help me, I used the VMDK file avaialable for Chromium OS and then converted it to a VHD file using VMToolkit’s utility (I didnt use VMWare cause VirtualPC was already installed on my Windows 7).

Now when I run the VHD file, the OS loads properly but I cant get any of my network interfaces to work, I added three of them, one as NAT-ted and the other two bridged to my LAN and WLAN but ChromiumOS wont enable any? even though it shows them.

I used the id and no password to login, cant use my normal google id as I am not on the internet.

Any suggestions?

trickYguY November 25, 2009, 3:28 am


I am using VirtualBox. You can try the following settings

* Operating system version: Dabian instead of Other Linux
* Network settings: Bridged Adapter

* Use your real Gmail ID and password instead of just you have to enter password as well

* When you start the ChromeOS and at the login screen you will notice small network icon at the bottom of screen. Right click on the network icon and make sure adapter is selected.

Hope this will work for you.

zillian November 25, 2009, 3:33 am

A bundle of thanks for sharing the Chrome OS virtual image.

I am trying to login into Chrome OS with my gmail account..
But i’m getting network not connected error.
I am connected through wireless router. Please help me out in logging into Chrome OS.

thanks in advance

trickYguY November 25, 2009, 3:46 am

Run VirtualBox
Click on Settings icon
In General Settings set OS version to Dabian instead Other Linux
In Network settings set Bridge Adapter instead of NAT and select Wireless card that is using to connect to the wireless router

Anaye December 3, 2009, 8:17 am

I was waiting for this article to run Google Chrome OS in windows 7 and that’s here

Sandraya 07 December 7, 2009, 7:29 am

the process was hard to get Chrome on Windows 7 but i am happy that i did with your instructions, thanks

Ahmad December 10, 2009, 8:18 am

Is it require special hardware which allow virtual desktop? Can you tell me, atleast requirements for Chrome OS…. Thanks in Advance… Waiting for reply

trickYguY December 10, 2009, 2:15 pm

You can Run Chrome OS on practically any PC that meets the minimum requirements, from netbooks on the low-end to high end power desktops.

surendra.jampani December 13, 2009, 11:31 am

its asking for internet connection in my system while entering username and password/
what shall be the reason.
i have followed each and every as explaned above
can anybody help me as soon as possible

trickYguY December 14, 2009, 12:37 am

Try the following settings

* Select Operating system version: Dabian instead of Other Linux
* Network settings: Bridged Adapter
* Use your Gmail ID and password to login.
* Start the ChromeOS and notice small network icon at the bottom of login screen. Right click on the network icon and make sure network adapter is selected.

Feel free to reply

Magnus December 15, 2009, 7:36 pm

I run Chromium operating system over Windows 7

Marx January 5, 2010, 11:39 am

Very nice way to instruct and successfully install google chrome os on windows 7

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