You can install games on PSP in two ways. First and recommended way is to buy original UMDs and insert into your PSP and enjoy your game on PSP.
The other way is to hack PSP by installing custom firmware on PSP, download games from the internet, put them into your PSP memory stick and then play games on PSP. The downloaded PSP games are in ISO/CSO format.
How to Play Games ISO / CSO on PSP
Lets learn how to install ISO /CSO files on PSP.
Step 1 – Install Custom Firmware on PSP
First of all you need to install custom firmware on your PSP:
PSP 2000, 1000: Install Custom Firmware on PSP
PSP 3000, 2000 TA-088v3: Install Custom Firmware 5.03 GE-C
Step 2 – Download PSP Games (ISO/CSO)
Once you’ve installed the custom firmware on your PSP now download your desired PSP Game (ISO/CSO). Google is your best friend. If the downloaded PSP game is a compressed .zip or.rar file then make sure to extract iso/cso using WinRAR.
Step 3 – Copy ISO / CSO on PSP
- Connect your PSP to your computer via data cable. On your PSP, go to Settings > USB Connection.
- Your PSP memory stick will appear as a removable device on your computer.
- Open the memory stick and go to ISO folder. If there’s no ISO named folder then create one and make sure you name it in Caps (ISO not iso).
- Now copy the downloaded PSP Game ISO / CSO file into ISO folder.
- Disconnect your PSP from your computer.
Step 4 – Configurations
- Turn your PSP completely OFF by holding down the power button for 7 seconds.
- Hold down the R button and turn your PSP ON to boot into Recovery Mode.
- Go to Configuration and make the following changes:
- Game folder hombrew (currently: 5.xx Kernel)
- UMD Mode (Currently: M33 driver -NO UMD-)
- Go back to Main Menu then Advance > Advance Configuration.
- Enable Plain modules in UMD/ISO
- Disable “Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO”
- Go back to main menu and select Exit. Your PSP will Reboot and turn back ON.
Step 5 – Play the Game on PSP
From the PSP home Menu, go to:
Game > Memory Stick
and play your desired PSP game (ISO/CSO) on Custom firmware.
Have fun!
Where can i download PSP Games ISO files? Is this possible to convert my UMD disk into ISO or CSO file?
yes it is possible
i used to play games from my memorycard
bit somedays ago, i gave my psp3000 to my friend.
now, the game is not shown in psp, bt the file is still over there…
can you tell me about its problem..
plz do reply in my mail.
The only thing that you need to do in order to have the file. Try to backup all the files from your memory stick and then try to format the memory stick and then put it back again the backup files on your memory stick and try to access the game in memory stick..
Just download fast recovery on your psp then launch it and your games are there
You can get ISOs from the website Don’t worry about the UMD because save files are saved on the memory stick, so you won’t lose anything.
thanks a lot…….. ur awesome……..!!!!!!!!
help me i dont no how to put the game on my psp 3000
I don’t understand your question.
psp games play on android devices…using ppsspp app
It’s not working 100% ( not even 50%…million of lugs…) and you are destroying your phone. 🙂
successfully installed games on my PSP..
thanks for the detailed guides for PSP. Please also write on installing themes. thanks
Hi Dear,
Please let me know how you install the game in PSP?
Scroll up. That’s the only possible answer.
I can’t play games copied my from pc.
shows it as a corrupted file.
I can’t play psp games copyied my from pc.
When I opening it, it says corrupted data.
You put iso file games in memory root of psp but not in game file
will this firmware update to 5.03 make it possible for me to take my original game and back it up on my comp? what program should I use? Is it call UMD Dumper?
Please wait.. Just to respond to your question, I’m writing on how to check your PSP Motherboard Model.. It matters a lot for PSP Slim if you want to install custom firmware to know your motherboard.
Then I will be writing on how to create ISO from UMD
hey i have a question..
i have downloaded a game that comes in parts.. how do i put it on my psp?
put them all in a folder in order, then extract the first part.
i love game psp
Hi , I tried to follow your guide but i don’t have those options of step 3 and step 4. I have cfw 6.60. I need your help to sort these problems.
hey! me too!
The steps in 3 and 4 are not necessary is you are on 6.60cfw. To find those options when on your home screen just press the select button
Plug you psp into your computer. Make a folder called ISO (make sure it is in caps) and place your iso/cso files there.
Once you do that you can unplug go to games then memory stick, games should be there
I didn’t understand the changes made in Configuration…help!
i do you say but i have no ISO and i make i copy the game to ISO but when i play their is no game
help me please
i didnt download the firmware to download many games in psp
you well come
very nice guide to install games on psp.
i use your guide to install games on my 2 PSPs, it works smoothly.
now i’m running iso games on PSP..
thanks for the detailed instructions
Absolutely! BIG THANKS to this site and to trickyguy!
Very useful PSP article.
i installed iso games on PSP through you instructions.
couldnt run cso game even after following the instructions. it says corrupt data
Make sure you have copied the CSO / ISO file in ISO folder that you have created in Step-3 and perform the Step-4 correctly.
thnks man for answering . my folly. a last question if i want to use a new memory stick(sony 8gb). can i just format it from system settings to make the iso games run on the new mem. stick
helooo,thank u for help,but every time i extract the download file in the game folder it gives me this data is corrupted.
You have to restart the psp I done it and it works was playing Metal Slug and Aliens vs predator
i have finished all succesfuly and i have been blocked in “Hold down the R button and turn your PSP ON to boot into Recovery Mode.”
i didn’t managed to get this “receovery mode”
help please, thanks in advance
Make sure your PSP is turned off not in stand-by mode.
I am running 6.60 PRO-B9 CFW, and the iso always says corupted data on my PSP….also, can’t follow this guide for steps 3 and 4 as pro-b9 doesnt have
Game folder homebrew (currently: 5.xx Kernel)
UMD mode (currently: M33 driver -NO UMD-)
main menu->advance->advance configuration
enable plain modules in UMD/ISO
disable Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO
inside my config or advanced…so any help would be awesome (is GOW ghost of sparta if it helps)
Also it says in PRO VSH MENU, ISO VIDEO MOUNT (NONE) and I can’t seem to change it????
if u have already got cfw you can just press select and then you have to select the recovery menu but you cant exactly go to advanced configuration idk why
i am sure my psp is turned off, not in stand by mode. – I never get that recoery mode
I have found another way.
when i watching a video,by mistake i have pressed start, surprise, i have got a menu called GEN VAC MENU, there were lots of options(i will list it after if you need). One of the option is Recovery mode.
From there i have did the above procedure.
Now i can play iso games
Can you post a link to that video or speak English? i did not understand a word you said.
Oh. Sorry I didn’t understand, now I do.
what do u mean u were watching a movie? and u just pressed start in the movie?
i am using psp 2004, system software 5.00 M33-6, but when i transfer iso game (avatar f.expl), i get message: The Game could not be started. (80020148). I have done as you wrote above, but no luck. Please help
Hi trickYguY
U are amazing .. I recently purchased PSP-3004. With the help of ur Hacking guide I could successfully hack my PSP. It is working very fine…., Thanks for all the detailed info …..
Hi! I am still trying to learn how to put games on my Psp Go and I’m working with a Mac. Where do I have to create the ISO folder?
Can you give me a link for Patapon 2 cso or iso?
Sorry we don’t have any PSP games. If you have Patapon 2 game disk than you can convert it to ISO or CSO file
I managed to do all the steps except step 4 which i can’t get into the recovery mood. I have turned off PSP like have been told. Please help me.
Another way to get into recovery mode.
when i watching a video,by mistake i have pressed start, surprise, i have got a menu called GEN VAC MENU, there were lots of options(i will list it after if you need). One of the option is Recovery mode.
From there i have did the above procedure.
Now i can play iso games
bro i have tried this while playing a video but this isnt happened … plz help how to get into recovery mode …. thanxx
U are following the wrong method……..
There is a chatch Go to the main menu and press a button which is located at the left side of the start button Named “Select”.
U ll get a Menu called “GEN VAC menu” will let u to go to “Recovery Mode”.
Hello good some one pls help my PSP is the TA-0088 V3 Got chickHERN install and also the custom fw also was all ready in start playing games but on reading this guide you have to turn off your PSP but if i do that you’ll need to reinstall CFW because after reboot your PSP will be back to Official 5.03 firmware
So is there any other way of getting into the Recovery Mode without turning it off and losing All the other info many thanks
Hi Dude,
U are correct u shouldn’t turn off the psp after installing the CFW.
There is a chatch Go to the main menu and prees a button which is located at the left side of the start button Named “Select”.
U ll get a Menu called “GEN VAC menu” will let u to go to “Recovery Mode”.
Copy and Paste Downloaded ISO or CSO files form ur computer to the ISO folder of the PSP Memory Stick…
Enjoy 😉
and vwhat when we do that? put the following instructions in the recovery mode…? if i shut down…i wont be able to play games…still
U shouldn’t be shutting down us PSP if ur runnning CFW. Always place it on standby mode. U can do that by pushing the power button up words. “DONT PRESS AND HOLD IT” u should make it off line not shut it down otherwise it will boot again in original 5.03 firmware.
yea i figured that out, but one more question…if it is not a problem…
i have cfw on my 3000 psp i can play games..but it is running really…i mean really really slow…while i am trying to play a game…any game…
any solutions for that problem?
i installed games on my PSP thanks
hey friends please help me …!
i have psp-3001 and i m not able to boot my psp …. please help me to play downloaded games in my psp …
thank u
plz help yr …. i haav copies ido file in memory card .. but psp shows that the game is currupted nd is nt able to play ….
plzz helpp ….!!!
Sup all. Sorry for the bother but I got a psp 3001 in FEB and downloaded a few ISO games. I insatller the Fastloader thing. but where do i really need to start so i can play these downloaded games..Thanks
hi i just wanted to know if i could play the iso/cso games on my psp 2000 with the 6.20 version…do i have to downgrade the firmware of my psp in order to play the iso/cso games???
what websites that i can download iso/cso games help me pls
download free psp games from here
please reply..m doomed =(
Hi Kate,
Sorry for the late reply ;-(
can u name some of the game if possible and from which site u are downloading these games. Because m using the same CFW on My PSP 3004 and not facing any issue. Touch wood. Let me know ur mail id can help u a bit more. Thanks.
i managed to solve that problem…
the games were too small…500mb maybe…i changed them with games that store memory 1-1.5 GB…and everything works fine…
the problem was that the games were too much ripped…and they didnt work fine…
i need help, i downloaded rock unplugged in torrent, but when i check the file there’s no iso/cso file.. what will i do?.. its 1G plus.. i cant play it coz i dont its doesnt have any iso/cso file..
Guyz…I have a PSP Go (N1002,PB)… cud u help me pls… unable to load any games… searched for Firmware but failed…
which firmware did u install?? Is is working???
I have installed naruto shippuuden by your above methods.The game is displayed in the memory stick as it is supposed to but when started nothing is displayed……Please help
and the naruto game dosen’t have an iso/cso file in it……
It should be iso/cso file, make sure its for PSP
Yes naruto shippuuden game is for psp……
i have a psp 1000. when i put my iso files on my psp and try to play them they dont load.
Put them into ISO folder and make sure ISO file are compatible with firmware currently installed on your PSP
Hey, currnetly installed CFW m33-4 on my psp, then deleted all the folders and formatted my memory card. Tried installing 2 games and none of them worked. They are both in the ISO folder, but when I boot them up, the psp freezes and nothing works. What do I do?
May be ISO file are not compatible with you PSP firmware
how can i downgrade psp 6.0 to 5.30?
I am using lates PSP GO (PSP-N1002) model. Does anyonw know which custom firmware shall I install to use ISO games files????
dude is this case u can only use PRO 6.60 C I WILL BE LOOKing forward into having a pspgo
wat games u have done perfectly
play with no problems
can i have list of games that
u have test?
hey iv downloaded a few winrar archived psp iso but it doesnt seem to be working what am i doing wrong
Cool! Works like a charm! Thanks!
let me know also
I have a PSP-1001 currently equipped with the current 6.10 firmware, and I’m not sure what my motherboard model is.
Before I start, I wanted to learn how to boot in “Recovery Mode”, but it doesn’t work at all.
I turned off the PSP comepletely by holding down the power switch until it shut down, then holding [R] I turn the PSP back on, but nothing I try seems to work.
It doesn’t do anything when i try to go to recovery. When I press select in the main menu. Even when booting..
Hello i will like to know if we install firmware yes
Record(Disk) UMD goes t he(it) to work correctly
hey there. i have a PHAT psp.. it is a 1000 and it is a version 3.73… i was talkin to my friend and he said there might be an easier way to get games on the psp since it is an old version… i was wonderin if there was? if so contact me either on this or my email. thanks very much
Please let me know if u ever figured out an easier way to put games on the psp 1000 cause thats what I have and I am having issues lol cant find a recovery screen no matter what I do so if theres an easier way it would b very helpful thx
hey when i was already going to step 4 i cant go to the recovery mode,even if i already did the things needed like holding down the switch button to turn off..
Hi I followed you way above but still get corrupted data. Though I am using cfw 5 M33-6 (PSP 2001). I orignally placed the folders psp-game and umd file in the ISO folder and games folder no loading. Then I used umdgenV4 to extract files first as ISO and placed them in ISO and psp/game directory = data corrupt. Then removed files and used umdgen to convert to cso = data corrupt. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Hi dude, i followed your steps and i hacked my PSP successfully, but the problem is My Wi-Fi is not working. when i scan its says “No access points were detected” what shale i do now ? please help me dude
MA ISO GAME IS SHOWNG SME ERROR N MA Game folder hombrew (currently: 5.xx Kernel)IS NT 5.00 ITS 3 WT SHLD I DO
i have a psp 3004 with firmware 6.20. do you think this hack may work on it. too bad i have left my psp at home. pls reply
anyway has 6.20 with that weird motherboard been hacked yet?
@step 4 when im doing the holding down the R while opening the psp it doesnt work, it doesnt go to that menu. i made sure that my psp is totally off not on stand by. pls help..
i use PSP 3004 series….n im using 5.03 GEN-C (full) n also 5.03 Promitheus 2…..but i can run god of war ghost of sparta…..but i cant run fifa 11……when i start the game the screen becomes black and my PSP turns off….i turned on my PSP n hacked it again with 2 differnt versions…but still it doesnt work…..NOW WHAT can I do PLZZ help me…
Maybe its the game. Try downloading it from another website.
Thanks :))
from where to download psp iso/cso games
i was update my psp 1000 to 5.03 … but i have trouble when loaded chikHenr2 / fat for psp 1000…. it cannot loaded … i got my psp go shut down … i was try many way to get it loaded and restart … but just go shut down ever … what can i do for this problem ….??? pls help for this problem ..
thank`s lot ,,…..!
i buyed psp , i made ISO folder and pasted there game , but it shows corrupted data ,and i am not able to go in to the recovery mode
i have psp phat 1001 with firmware 5.03 chicken r2 and im unable to play any emulator or run iso error (This game cannot be started.The data is corrupted), its my first attempt doing this im a newbie sorry.plz help
This isn’t really “installing” games this is just how to play iso’s/cso’s on a psp. What i would like to know however is how to install a game for instance when you play Patapon 3 it gives you the option to install it however it doesnt work because the memory-stick is being used as a UMD i think. So i would like to know is it possible to install those kind of downloadable games onto the memory stick so i dont have to keep loading the game up as if its the first time i’m using it? It gets just a little bit annoying that i have to agree to the EULA terms everytime i load the game up.
i have a PSP3001with software GENB 5.03 full ver, but when i play games it is very slow…please help.. Thanks………
Pls can i hack my psp3001 v6.20
Is this works with PSP GO
i have a psp go, will this work on that one.
emma farley loves sukking the willies !
hiya my name is lois irvine i like doing things with lads cos im a slag i suk the willie everyday
I have already updated my psp in to 6.39… so what i have to do??????????
Go to this link and download the downgrade
best tutorial ever… thanks =)
this is great, working fine on my PSPgo. Thanks man!
i need custom firmware for psp GO where can i get it ?
didn’t work but imma try on a different game.
this time didn’t work either any ideals.
holla amico thanks for helping me adios
thank you a lotttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kk got everything working but how do i upgrade the cfw so i can play the rest of my actual psp games? ex. umd’s and psn games.
Thanks mate this worked on my psp go with fw 6.60 pro b9
I’ve done all of the above steps and when I go back into my psp memory stick to play the game I can see the game and I can load it, but it gets stuck on the now loading screen. Please help. I’ve tried 3 different sites for .cso files and none of them will work.
hi there! ive upgraded to the 5.03 version and now send the copyright message every time
does this work for the PSP 1001?
Can I get it back to the previous firmware?
Im only did this upgrade in order to get PS2 games on my PSP
Everythings goneee!
i was using games through the memory card suddenly games are disappear but in memory card games are available but is not working with my psp please guide me wht to do
Definitely believe that that you stated. Your favourite justification appeared to be at the internet the simplest thing to be mindful of. I say to you, I certainly get irked at the same time as folks think about concerns that they just do not understand about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the top as neatly as outlined out the whole thing without having side effect , other folks can take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thank you
hee i cannot open my games after i format the memory stick please help
pleaseee help
hi,i want to were i get the free games for my psp-3004pb
plz reply fast as soon as possible.
How do you install games on PSPgo. Is he process the same as others or is it different
i tried out what you were saying but the psp keeps saying that there isn’t any games, what do i do? Please answer!
Can anyone help me find the “R”button on my PSP 3004
The R button it the right trigger if your being serious
For some reason when i try to put some files onto my psp the download bar stops and the psp stops letting the computer put the file in, but after i disconect it the file show up but has an error. what do?
Followed it all well. I could play iso files fine but when i try to open a cso file, it only gets stucked on a loading screen. I found this problem to be common but couldnt find a solution. Is this because of tempar/cwcheats? or is this a corrupted file? Any help will be very appreciated
:'( m not able to start recovery mode…..what to do???
plzzzzz helppppp…thanks.
:'( m note to start recovery mode on my psp…….plzzzzzzzz help……thanks
meeeeeee tooooooooooo…………..!
frindz help me….i installed GEN-C on my psp 3000 5.03
after i made iso file beside PSP,VIDEO,etc………..and pasted iso/cso files
but it shows ‘the game cannot be started the data is correpted’ and i holded to power of.when i holded R button while power on it shut downed very fastly and i never see any recovery menu…………..
help me please…………!
my psp does not have those features like umd, disable eboot
please help me
how can take of 6.60 and put back 4.20 to my psp
great site and great article…simple but very educational. Thanks !!!!
Hi, I recently reformatted my memory card and had to install the gen-c. Instead of the chickHEN, I used the mhuspeed, just because the chickHEN didn’t work, anyways, after installing my gen-c 5.03 I wasn’t able to play the old .iso games I used to play before i reformatted my memorycard. (ex. Harry potter and the goblet of fire).. does anyone know the reason for this? pleas help.. PS. I am able to play cso just not .iso the 3D ones..
is this working on psp 3001 ver 6.60>?tnx
PLZ HELP!!!!! WHEN I GO to the ChickHen file to reboot it turns off I’ve been trying it since like 4 months LITERALLY
i am not able to install firmware below 6.60 it says “ur firmware is already 6.60. No need to update” what should i do? please help
i dont know anything about pleas help me.i have a psp made in china.itz firmware is were i get some games…..,plz plz…,
and how to install them into my psp.plz tel me the website for psp small size games
i have psp 3006 ver 6.06 i can’t boot to the recovery mode.pls help.
Thanks, I needed this for a backup of a broken game i have bought. 😀
hey….the step can’t be done in psp e-1000 ! Please help ! i m using psp e-1000!
step 4 i mean
I downloaded a game but the name of the file is EBOOT. I put the file in the ISO folder but when I on the PSP, it’s not there. Please help.
I have a 2004 slim & lite psp with TA-088v3.I did everything u said but it doesn’t go into recovery menu.What can i do?
I am using PSP slim and having the same problem…. Please help… Thanks
Um, I did everything the steps say, but I got this notice telling me that the ‘game couldn’t be started’ along with a (80020148). What does this mean?
i did everything nd it works but every game i put on it, it says corrupted data.. what to do???
THANK YOU!!! You can download Iso files just google it duh
have you checked to make sure all the settings are the same as described? Some of those were default and i accidentally changed them which gave me that same error
I have done everything as u said… But I am not able to go to the recovery mode…. I have tried your ways and the other ways (by pressing select in main menu). But I failed… Please help… Thanks
Is this safe for version 6.37.
im usin psp go v6.60 pro b9 so how to put iso games on it
can”t understand step 4
hello. i reformat my mem card but before i did that, i copy the games to my pc, then when i copy it back to my mem card after reformatting, it doesnt appear on the psp, i tried the recovery thingy but it still wont appear, can somebody please help? thank u!
It’s simple just borrow some bodies psp memory card wich has games and insert the memory card into your psp and click the triangle button and the press copy it will copy the game into your psp and if u want to copy it to your memory card then insert your memory card and copy the game from your psp to your memory card it’s simple as that it really works try it
Does UMD work after starting up custom firmware?
I seldom create comments, but i did a few searching and wound up here How to Install Games (ISO CSO) on PSP | Play ISO CSO files on PSP | PSP Hacks.
And I actually do have a few questions for
you if it’s allright. Could it be simply me or does it seem like a few of the remarks come across as if they are left by brain dead visitors? 😛 And, if you are posting at additional places, I would like to follow everything fresh you have to post. Would you make a list of all of all your public sites like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?
my psp version is 6.60 is it safe for me to hack my psp please tell
i have a psp go n1003 tell me how to run iso/cso files
When I run the game the screen blackens and psp shutdowns.
can I do the same on psp e1004??
please tell me
how do i find my psp system version
Yo guys, can someone tell me how to check PSP version?
i have games installed like pes11 gow in psp if i install a new game will i lose them
I would like to say u are awesome.
I have been trying to hjack in my 1001 PSP since 2006, but i never found even the right update ( it alwawys said it coyld not play the game).
After alot of tries i gave up and returned only yesterday night. and stoppped after another frustating day.
Today i tried again and found your site… AND IT WORKED!.
Thxs alot.!
i have a PSP downloaded set up of a game on my pc now how to install it on my PSP 2001 i ha d tried allot but it was not detected on my PSP the game in memory stick
Please Help.
I have been trying for a long time for to sucess.
I got a PsP 1001, i upgraded it to the 5.03 as told, and even the Tiff file reboots fine, but when i run the ChickHEN ( It opens) and try to install it it says “critical error! install aborted, no harm been done”… PLEASE HELP!
Is there a way to download stuff without USB wire? TELL ME!!!!!!
hey IM USING a 5.53 gen d3 how can i change it to 5.oo
download cso
i do not configure my psp while pressing r on power on plzzz help meee
how to go in configuration in sony psp-E1003
I GOT IT GUYS…. as per my opinion for new users jst first check wheather ur 1 is 200x or 200 88 v2.. than move forwad..
Does this mean i cant play umd anymore?
i have 6.60 pro b9. does this work?
Sorry for the sudden comment, i got a question.
I have a PSP STREET E-1000
I did install a recovery-menue on my PSP and when i run it, there is no option in my advance where i can set something about the EBOOT, just to start the game without showing the “warning” or PSX-sign before.
And about the ISO-file:
Do i have to create the ISO-folder into the PSP-folder in GAME? Or do i have to create it in the same folder where the PSP-folder is?
And I also don’t rly know about the “Plain moduel” or whatever it was called like…^^; i’m sry
Is there also a way to convert ISO-files from PSP-Games into EBOOT.PBP-files? this would be easier for me to run then, i guess… m(_ _ )m
I hope you can answer my question soon, thx and sry for causing trouble
Its ok, i found out somehow :3
Hi , how did you find the solution , i’ve got a same problems. Please help
hey guys i have one problem
i’ve got 6.60 version so i istalled Light Minimum Edition Installer for my psp and it always appears on screen the message: corrupted data . i tried to put the game on the GAME file, but it doesn’t work .i tried to put the game on the ISO file, it doesn’t work either. what should i do?
nice tutorial ……… thanks alot dear…….
If i install the firmware, will real games from the UMDs still work?
I seem to be stuck on Step 4; I can’t find the configuration settings. Whenever I reboot it, it just turns on normally .-.
when i turn off my psp for the reboot, the GEN C (full) beside my firmware (5.03) dissapears so i need to redo the GEN C (the picture thing and rebooting it with the 5.05 GEN C firmware in the game section)
I download many games in my PSP memory stick through usb cable but while run the game mode can’t find anyof my downloaded games but it is in the memory.
I am new help me how to active downloaded games.
Um does the psp reboot only work when you install a game on? Or does it work always cuz my PSP1000 is not going into reboot mode 🙁
How to download psp game?
My pc can detect the memory stick but i cant transfer any file. helppp me plsssss
Please make sure your memory card is not locked, check the tiny lock button on your card.
please say how to add a game to the memory card is it has 2 parts please help me
What you mean by two parts? Is PSP game compressed in parts as Zip or Rar files?
The game I downloaded is a zip file and it contains anther zip file do I need to extract that zip file or just put it onto the iso file folder?
But the new problem is I can’t transfer file to the memory card it shows that disk is read only help me with this please
Does it work on PSP e1000?
in recovery mode theres no option advance configuration plz help
hmmmm…try put something …like for other verson..others cant open there recovery menu ..some gave them some instrutions..ur a pro right?? :)))) like for me with 6.39 version PSP..i cant open it in the past …but after experimenting..welldone…tnx for this tricky and abusing way.. lmao
can i still play my downloaded games (its not iso)?
Hey I have a psp 3004 I have firmware named pro c am not able to play iso games as it is coming corrupted file pls help
hai i have sony psp 3004 which web site to download the games and how to installed that please help me
PLease advise whether games image file will also play likewise if copied in iso folder ?
Also, where can we download safe iso/cso games ffrom. Most of the sites suggested by google are full of adware n trojans..
i also have a psp E10003 cb . i downloaded cso files and putted them in iso folder my psp has cf 6.60 it does not shows any game on disconnecting form pc and running the nenory stick please help me ?????
My configuration screen won’t show up and it says I have the firmware installed
There is a way which is alot easier. Use a cfw called 635 Pro-b updater, all you have to do is put it in the Games folder in the PSP folder and boot it from the psp. Congrats you have cfw and you put games on in the same way in the ISO folder
Step 4 – Configurations worked perfectly for my PSP 5.50 GEN-D3 the initial problem:can detect and see iso games but it cannot play them now it works very fine……Thank you very much i appreciate this very much….finally found the solution after about a week of searching….
I downloaded smackdown pain in 7z and extracted tht nd got a iso file an put it on a iso folder but yht is nt wrking help me plzz can i play smackdown pain in my psp is it posssible help meeee
I don’t understand the step 1 as when I click on the link there is no option to install, the link just explains something
thank you so much this helped me alot thanks
please help me with my psp e1004 because i cant install nothing
I switched my psp off but after holding R no recovery mode
Is this legal
Do not turn off your psp completly in case of psp 3004 cauz it recovers to official 5.03 firmware.
Instead press the select button on the bottom right of your psp to access recovery.
I successfully installed games.Thanks a lot for this amazing tutorial..
sup, i have 6.60 on my 3004 slim, there are no such options:
Game folder hombrew (currently: 5.xx Kernel)
UMD Mode (Currently: M33 driver -NO UMD-)
Go back to Main Menu then Advance > Advance Configuration.
Enable Plain modules in UMD/ISO
Disable “Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO”
??? plain modules and execute boot.. cant find em
hi guys pls help me i can’t understand anything pls help me i just brought my psp (sony) and i rested it with umd inside using computer and now when i try to open the game is says (umd error or unable to read umd) so this gives me more option whether to place my psp on a metal surface and stuff it with a pain ball hummer or to through it on a processing river or what guys help me my country stores does not sell more umd’s ……pls ..
or help me on how to transfer the games from pc to psp …after i reset it …pls instruct me.
How to creat game folder in my PSP E1004
you awesome hey thanx
I cant seem to download the custom firmware from the given link
i cant go on advanced configuration plz some one help me
hello ive been searching around for someone to help me with this very unusual problem.
i have a PSP 1000 (fat) and im on the cfw update PRO-b10. there really isnt any website that tells you how to fix any cfw problems but i really hope one of you can help.
i have 5 games on my psp,
god of war chains of olympus.iso
god of war ghost of sparta.iso
psy-dbzar.iso <- dragonball z
Dissidia final fantasy.iso
Dissidia 012.cso
all these games work on other emulators for the psp and such but the only game that works on my psp is Dissidia Final Fantasy.iso
when i go to start the other games the memory stick light blinks 2 times and nothing happens.
Any help would be appreciated thanks
i have psp e1004 and i’m put the psp game file in ISO folder but it not show on my psp plz help me
Help I downloaded a rar. file of the Psp Game Obscure the Aftermath And when I moved it on my Psp 2000 It cannot detect it….. It work for some of the games. What can I do to fix this?
its work for me thanks for the tutorial
which file we have to install on psp of fifa 12 and brian lara cricket 2007
i can not get my psp to go into recovery mode
Hi my question is can you put more then 1 game into a particular ISO file folder or do you have to create another one each time you try to install a psp game just that i had no problem installing my first game but after installing second game the memory stick shows the mb amount of the ISO just installed but the game is not showing other then the first one i installed thanks.
can i install cfw on psp e1004. pls reply
I have a 3000 series PSP running 6.61 pro C. I downloaded the game its in rar format, What program do you use to make an ISO file?
I have a 3000 series PSP running 6.61 pro-c. I downloaded games in RAR format, What program should I use to convert RAR to ISO? And what exactly is CSO? Is it better to use ISO or CSO?
I downloaded the files and the PSP, but idk how to put the file into the app in order for it to work. ?
I have done everything. The file shows up as a preview under the games tab but when I go to start it gives me an error message. What am I doing wrong ? Do I need a umd in also it is the only thing I can think of?
help me i dont understend with R and power psp helpp psp 3000 i have
Thanks for the read
when i get to recovery mode and into config i cant see no umd mode any help?
The game just shows up as Corrupted File and isn’t working for me how do I fix that
Ummm…. it doesn’t show the usual folders on my computer when I plug my psp… instead of games, videos, music…. it shows codepage, font, vsh, and dic….. ??? what is wrong… also I can still play games already on the memory stick or psp???!! Help plz??
btw… my psp is E1003 2A
Thanks for this thread I was able to fix the issue I was having with the psp.. I copied some ISO files from the computer to the psp but I was having trouble locating the game after I copied it.. turns out the problem was that I needed to 1) Make an ISO folder on the MemStick itself and not going in to any other folders, transferred the ISO downloaded and WHAM!!! issue resolved.. thanks for this thread.. Everything’s fine now!!
morning please tell how many GB must I buy for my sony Psp
How Many GB must I buy for my son’s sony PSP
I had the same problem i fixed it only watching this video
hope it will works for you
I have a E1000 psp. I want to play games on my psp through a memory card the files type being ISO. My system software being 6.61 PRO-C. Please suggest me a CFW so that i can play games in my psp through memory card. Please Help!
please i need psp games to download
Hi how can I play psx or ps1 game game on psp 3000 cfw 6.60 pro c b10 tell me correct way so that it should work on my psp 100%
Plz tell me how to play psx or ps1 games on psp