BlackBerry PlayBook Internet Tethering over Bluetooth

If you don’t have internet access on your PlayBook tablet then you can use internet connection of other devices (BlackBerry smart phone or other devices that have internet access) on your PlayBook table. Follow the steps below to setup Internet Tethering on your PlayBook tablet.

First of all both devices, your PlayBook and the device that have internet access must be paired using Bluetooth. See how to pair Bluetooth device with PlayBook


Tap on “Settings” on PlayBook home screen status bar

In left panel tap on “Internet Tethering”
Select your paired bluetooth smart phone or device from the list

PlayBook internet tethering settings

Select your carrier from the list and then tap “Connect” > “Continue”

PlayBook internet tethering carrier


On your BlackBerry smart phone select “Yes” to accept the connection

Now Internet Tethering is enabled and you can use internet connection of other device on your PlayBook tablet.

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