Last month Google has updated Google Search for iOS with Voice Search feature, which performs more better than Siri. So, here comes jailbreak community with NowNow, a free Cydia tweak which brings Google’s virtual voice assistant access on iOS just like Siri.
Replace Siri with Google Voice Search in iOS
Visit BigBoss repository through Cydia, to download NowNow and install it
When NowNow installation will finish, it will ask to Restart Springboard so tap on the available option
Springboard restarts then tap on “Settings” > “NowNow” > “Activation Methods”
To launch Google Voice Search in iOS from anywhere, just press and hold “Home” button as it will launch NowNow which starts working like Siri on iPhone.
Note: To use NowNow on your jailbroken iDevice first install latest Google Search app.
Why to replace Siri on iPhone?
I’ve experienced Google Voice Search on iPhone that is really good in comparison of Apples voice assistance Siri.
I like Siri don’t wnt to replace on iphone.
Google Voice search works excellent in place of Siri.
Just a battle of technology developers otherwise its nice to stay with Siri on iPhone.
Works fine on iPad 2.
No need to replace Siri.
This is a really good tip