Its always a good practice to save SHSH blobs for iOS, so guide below will help you to save SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with TinyUmbrella, which is the latest iPhone OS version right now.
Save SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1
Download and install TinyUmbrella for Windows, or TinyUmbrella for Mac
Step 1
Open TinyUmbrella
Step 2
Attach your iDevice over iOS 6.1 to PC/Mac
Step 3
In Tiny Umbrella window select your attached iDevice under “Connected Devices”
Step 4
Click “Advanced” tab, and uncheck “Save ALL Available SHSH” and “Request SHSH From Cydia” options
Select a folder on your desktop to save your SHSH blobs
Step 6
Click “Save SHSH” button and immediately Tiny Umbrella will start process to save SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1. On successful process completion a message will display with words “SHSH SUCCESSFULLY SAVED”
Just to ensure, open your SHSH folder from desktop and see the SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1 for your iDevice will reside there, which will help you in future.
See also:
Download iOS 6.1 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
Tethered Jailbreak iOS 6.1 with RedSn0w