How to Watch WWDC 2014 Live Stream Video

Apple will kick off WWDC 2014 on June 2 with Keynote. You can watch this 2 Hours keynote live stream video on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV and Mac OS X or Windows PCs as well. Expected major announcements at WWDC 2014 Keynote are iOS 8, OS X 10.10, some rumors related to iWatch, new low priced iMac, Apple TV and of course Beats deal. So be ready to watch WWDC 2014 live stream video and check your gears for the following requirements.


WWDC 2014 Date and Time

Event will kicks off at 10:00 AM Monday on June 2nd 2014 or 1PM Eastern Time.

WWDC 2014 Live Stream Link

Requirements to watch live stream

iOS Devices: you must have iOS 4.2 or later running on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch devices.

Mac OS X: Mac should have Safari version 4 or later running on OS X10.6.

Windows PCs: For windows users QuickTime 7 needed on their PCs

Apple TV: Live stream will be on 2nd or 3rd generation of Apple TV with 5.0.2 or later software running on it.


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