iPhone 5S vs iPhone 5C vs iPhone 4S [Comparison]

If you are buying a new iPhone, then you must be aware that there are three iPhone models available in Apple’s 2013 iPhone line, recently launched iPhone 5S which is a high end device with a faster hardware, less expensive iPhone 5C and iPhone 4S available for $0 on contract.

Note: iPhone 5 is killed by Apple with the launch of iPhone 5C, you can say iPhone 5C replaces iPhone 5.

iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C and iPhone 4S are available on and off contracts, which you can check here.

iPhones Prices On/OFF Contract

  • iPhone 4S 8GB – $0/$450
  • iPhone 5C 16GB – $99/$549
  • iPhone 5C 32GB – $199/$649
  • iPhone 5S 16GB – $199/$649
  • iPhone 5S 32GB – $299/$749
  • iPhone 5S 64GB – $399/$849

Now, its time compare specs of iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C and iPhone 4S ahead of purchasing suitable device for you. So, look at the chart below where you find iPhone models, prices, and specifications of new iPhones.

iPhone 5S vs iPhone 5C vs iPhone 4S Comparison Chart


See also:
iPhone 5S Availability
iPhone 5C Pre-Order and Availability
iOS 7 New Features

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