Facebook App 3.4.3 is Available to Download for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Facebook app version 3.4.3 is released with improved security and bug fixes for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and available free for download from App Store through the iTunes link below.

Facebook for iOS makes it easy to stay connected and share information with friends. Use your iDevice to start a conversation with Facebook Chat, check your friends’ latest photos and status updates, look up a phone number, or upload your own mobile photos to Facebook while on the go.

What’s New in Version 3.4.3

  • Various bug fixes
  • Improved security

Download Facebook 3.4.3 for iOS

Facebook app is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad and requires iOS 3.0 or later.

1 comment… add one
Rihan saifi April 26, 2012, 7:56 pm

Nice site

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