How to Jailbreak iOS 7 to 7.0.4 on iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini iPod Touch

Jailbreak iOS 7 is released by evad3rs team, you can jailbreak your iPhone, iPad and iPad mini, iPod touch running iOS 7.0 to 7.0.4 using evasi0n7 and its untethered jailbreak for mentioned devices. You can jailbreak your device using Evasi0n on Mac OS X and Windows operating system.


  • If  you ever updated you iOS 7 device OTA then before using evasi0n7 jailbreak please backup your device and restore it first.
  • Operating system requirements: You need a PC running Windows XP or later version, Mac OS X users needs OS X 10.6 or later versions, and on Linux you need x86 or x86_64.
  • You can jailbreak the following devices iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, Retina iPad mini, iPad mini, iPod touch 5G running  iOS 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3, 7.0.4, 7.1 beta1, 7.1 beta2.

Jailbreak iOS 7 on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Download evasi0n 7 for you operating system and install it.


Connect your device with the computer using data cable and run evasi0n7.

Evasi0n7 will detect your connected device and then click the Jailbreak button to start the jailbreak process.

This will take some time and let evasi0n7 do it work and follow the on screen instruction. Once done, you will see an new evasi0n 7 icon on your device. don’t disconnect you device, Tap this icon and your device will restart. Be patient until you get message saying Done! your device may restart couple of times. Once you get Done! message Cydia will be available on your device and finally you have jailbreak iOS 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3, 7.0.4, 7.1 beta1, or 7.1 beta2.

Below in comments, please tell us if you successfully jailbreak your device or having any problem during the jailbreak process.

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