The guide below will help you to know the process to lock down Start menu on Windows 7, this guide implementation will completely prevent other users from adding, removing or changing any item/program from the Start menu in Windows 7.
Lock Down the Windows 7 Start Menu
Type “gpedit.msc” in Start menu and click on gpedit.msc

From the left panel of opened screen navigate through “User Configuration” > “Administrative Templates” > “Start Menu and Taskbar”
Then in right panel find “Prevent changes to Taskbar and Start Menu Settings” and double click on it

In the opened dialog box select the radio button “Enabled” and thats it

Now, just experience if this tweak help you to prevent others from doing any change to your customized Start menu in Windows 7.
See also:
How to Make Start Menu Icons Smaller in Windows-7 and Vista
Restrict User to Change Personalization Settings on Windows 7