Wauclt.exe (Windows Update AutoUpdate Client) is a Windows process and we will see what is wuauclt.exe? File location of wuauclt.exe process, is it a virus, spyware…? and more.
- What is wuauclt.exe?
- wuauclt.exe location?
- Is wuauclt.exe virus, spyware…?
- wuauclt.exe removal
- Disable Windows updates
What is wuauclt.exe?
The wuauclt.exe refers to Windows Update AutoUpdate Client. This is an active process and runs in Task Manager all the time to check for new software, security or hardware updates by Microsoft and if there are some new updates available then it will download those for system. The wuauclt.exe just runs when you have automatic Windows updates feature enabled otherwise it will not appear under Task Manager processes.
Where is wuauclt.exe location.
Wuauclt.exe location is: %SystemRoot%\System32\ (or simply C:\Windows\System32\)
see also: how to check task manager process file location
Is wuauclt.exe a virus, Spyware, Trojan or Worm?
- The wuauclt.exe is a Windows system file if its in the folder as we specified above in location of wuauclt.exe.
- If Windows updates are turned on and more than one wuauclt.exe processes are running in task manager then one of them is virus, spyware, trojan or worm.
- If you turned off Windows updates and a process wuauclt.exe is running in task manager so you may identify the original one by checking process file location and delete the fake one. The best way to eliminate viruses is to do system scan using a good anti-virus.
Can we remove wuauclt.exe?
wuauclt.exe removal: As its a Windows system process associated with Windows automatic updates so this is not recommended to remove it from system. Instead of file you can remove wuauclt.exe process from task manager by disabling Windows updates according to Windows operating system (read below).
Turn off Windows Updates in Windows 7 :
- Follow this link: turn off Windows 7 automatic updates
Turn off Windows Updates in Vista :
Follow these steps to turn off automatic updates in Windows Vista
- Click on Start button and type “Windows Update” in the search box
- Click “Change settings” in the left pane
- Choose an option to disable automatic updates
Turn off Windows Updates in XP :
Follow these steps to turn off automatic updates in Windows XP
- Press “Windows Key + R” from keyboard
- Type “sysdm.cpl” in the Run window and hit Enter
- Click the “Automatic Updates” tab and then select “Turn off Automatic Updates” option.
- Finally Click OK
Found on my computer in windows system32 folder and size of wuauclt.exe 46kb, only one wuauclt is running in task manager.
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