If you are bored with the default blue color scheme of Office applications then here is a way out to change that. As Office 2010 and 2007 allows users to chose different color schemes like silver, black or blue. So lets see how to change Office 2007 or 2010 color scheme.
Change Office 2010 Color Scheme
Step 1
Open Word 2010 and click on “File” tab > “Options”

Step 2
Click on “General” in left panel and under “User Interface options” from the right section of window click on list box followed by “Color scheme” to select a color and then press “OK” button to make the change affective

Now, your Office 2010 applications color scheme is set to Black.
Change Office 2007 Color Scheme
Step 1
Open Word 2007 and click on “Office” button > “Word Options”

Step 2
Click “Popular” from the left panel and under “Top options for working with Word” section on right side chose a color from list box followed by “Color scheme” and click “OK” button. Your Office 2007 color scheme is set to black now.

Note: User can set color scheme for Office 2010/2007 through any application like Word, Excel etc and that will be automatically applicable to all other Office applications of specific package.
There are only three color schemes in word 2007, Microsoft should give more colors schemes but blank one is really great.
Word 2010 black color scheme is awesome.