By default Microsoft Word would not print page background color or images, because most of the time you don’t need to print background images or colors in word documents. But, if you want to print background color in word then you can set the option to show background in Print view and print it as [...]
How to Change the Ruler Units from Inches to Centimeters or others in Word
Feb 15, 2014Ruler in Microsoft Word document are very useful when it comes to measure something. There are different ruler units are available in Word and some people are comfortable with ruler in inches and others with centimeters or points, you can change the ruler units in word as you like in inches, centimeters, milometers, and more. [...]
How to Hide, Delete or Clear Recent Documents List in Microsoft Word
Feb 14, 2014Microsoft word shows the recent documents list to open documents quickly that you opened recently and you can control this list and change the number of documents to be displayed in the list. Some people even don’t want to show what they are working on so Word gives option to hide, clear recent documents or [...]
How to Always Paste Text Without Formatting in Microsoft Word Document
Feb 12, 2014When you try to copy and paste something in Microsoft word document, it always apply the same source formatting. I am sick of this thing and found few settings under Word options to fix this and always paste as plain text in word document. So lets see how we can set copy and paste settings [...]
How to Remove all Images From Word Document Without Losing Text Formatting
Dec 6, 2013Some time we copy data from different websites and it contains different graphic elements pictures or images that we don’t want to include in our Word document. Its really difficult to remove all images or graphic elements one by one from that copied data. By using simple find and replace method in Word we can [...]
How to Create a Custom Bullet in Microsoft Word
Jul 16, 2012Microsoft offers some specific bullets for Word, which you can use to list some features in a document. Now, if you are getting bore with Word’s built-in bullet styles then here is a guide which will provide you an opportunity to learn that how can you create custom bullets in Word. Create a Custom Bullet [...]
How to Quickly Insert Trademark, Copyright and Registered Symbols into Word Document
Jun 3, 2011Symbols like ™ (Trademark), © (Copyright), ® (Registered) does not exist on keyboard but if you want to know the keyboard shortcuts to insert those symbols into Word 2007/2010 document quickly then continue reading. These tips are quite helpful for writers, students, publishers, editors and people who have to type reports frequently in Word and [...]
How to Save Word Document as Template
Jan 18, 2011If you frequently create documents with the same formatting, then it could be a good approach to save that document once as a template for future use. In this way you will save your time instead of creating always the same formatting for each document separately. So, in following you may know that how to [...]
Disable Background Image Printing in Word 2010 / 2007
Jan 6, 2011If you have applied background to your Word document but you do not want to show that in the printed copy of document then Word Word 2010 and 2007 allows to disable the Print in Background and after doing that background will not get print on paper. Lets see how to disable background print in [...]
How to Change Background Color of a Word Document
Jul 1, 2010If you want to add a background color to your Word document to spice it then its very easy to do and the process is same for Microsoft Word 2010 and 2007. When you will change the Word page background color through following process then it will only be affective for that specific Word document, [...]
How to Create Brochure in Word 2007/2010
Jun 28, 2010To promote businesses, services, institutes, or interests of individuals brochure is a common and popular medium which is used since long time ago. To create a quick brochure for your company Microsoft Word gives different brochure templates available online which you can download according to your choice add your content and print or create PDF [...]
How to Restrict Editing Word Document [Word 2007 and 2010]
Jun 19, 2010If you want to restrict editing Word document and stop the readers from doing any type of changes to Word document then there is a special feature included in Word 2010 and 2007, which allows users to restrict other readers from document editing and formatting. The restrict editing Word document feature is available in Word [...]
How to Set Password on Word Document
Jun 14, 2010Microsoft Office applications Word, Excel and PowerPoint help users to prevent the files from unauthorized access by providing the feature of “Encrypt with Password”, which allows users to make their files password protected. Here you can see how to set and remove password: Word 2010 document Word 2007 document Set a Password to document in [...]
Add Custom Tab and Group in Word 2010 Ribbon
Jun 10, 2010Microsoft Office 2010 allows users to add personalize tabs and groups of commands to the Ribbon which is the part of Microsoft Office Fluent user interface. Through this option user can include some specific favorite group of commands under the default tabs of Office application or to a brand new tab for the menu. So, [...]
How to Change Office 2010/2007 Color Scheme
Jun 2, 2010If you are bored with the default blue color scheme of Office applications then here is a way out to change that. As Office 2010 and 2007 allows users to chose different color schemes like silver, black or blue. So lets see how to change Office 2007 or 2010 color scheme. Change color scheme Office [...]
How to Remove Text Formatting in Word 2010/2007
May 22, 2010If you want to remove all applied text formatting, styles and effects from your Word document then it’s quite an easy task to perform in Word 2010 and 2007. So, just follow the steps written below as the process to remove text formatting of Word document is same for Word 2010 and 2007. See also: [...]
How to Compare Two Word Documents
May 19, 2010If you someone make change in a copy of your word document without Track Changes ON then there is another option to compare word documents side by side. Microsoft Word 2010 and 2007 includes “Compare” option which allows users to compare two versions of a same document to identify the newly added changes by authors. [...]
How to Change Author Name in Word 2007/2010
May 17, 2010Whenever you create a Word document, Microsoft Word automatically assign a author name to that document which is asked and saved in its properties at the installation time. So, if you want to change the author name in Word 2007 or 2010 then its very easy to do that. One more thing i would like [...]
How to Adjust Width, Spacing and Line between Columns in Word
May 13, 2010After creating columns in word document there are some more options for columns in word that you can change column width, columns spacing, lines between columns and apply columns to word document (whole document, on a specific page or even on a paragraph). This guide works in both Word 2007 and Word 2010 Step-1 Open [...]
How to Create Columns in Word 2007/2010
May 11, 2010Several times you have observed that some articles or text documents divided into columns on the same page which looks nice, and if you want to apply the same settings on your Microsoft Word 2007 or Word 2010 document then how you can do that? So, here is the method to create columns in Word [...]
How to Change Default Font in Word 2007/2010
May 6, 2010Microsoft has set default font to Calibri with 11 point size in Word 2007 and Word 2010 as in previous versions of Word it was “Times New Roman” 12 point. If you don’t want to change font type and size every time you creates a new document then you can change the Microsoft Word default [...]
Save Documents .docx as .doc Automatically in Word 2010/2007
Apr 22, 2010Old version of Microsoft Word 2003 is capable to open the latest file format docx of Word 2010/2007. When we work in groups lot of times it happens that any of group member still working in previous version Word 2003 and requests to convert the Word 2007 (docx) file to Word 97-2003 (doc) format that [...]
How to Create Table of Figures in Word 2007/2010
Apr 6, 2010If you have Figures, Graphics, Charts etc. and want to list them all in a table format then Microsoft Word can help you to do that easily, with an option to create auto table of figures. We wrote before the process to create table of contents in Word, and toady we are writing that how you [...]
How to Create Table of Contents in Word 2007/2010
Feb 3, 2010Microsoft Word gives us option to create automatic table of contents for our documents or books. Here you can see how to create table of contents in Word 2007 / 2010. See also How to Create table of Figures Word 2007 2010 Create Table of Contents in Word 2007 / 2010 Step-1 Prepare you document in [...]
Using New Screenshot Option in Office 2010
Nov 26, 2009Microsoft Office 2010 comes with another new screen capturing option. You can easily capture screens of any running application or desktop and insert into office 2010 application like Word, Excel, PowerPoint with simple 2 clicks. This built-in screen capturing option is very handy instead of installing any third party utility or using print screen key [...]