Fix: The program Can’t Start Because MSVCR110.dll is Missing From Your Computer. Try Reinstalling The Program To Fix This Problem

This error “The Program can’t start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” may display on your version of Windows when you try to open any software or game after installing. Basically, it’s not a Windows error and doesn’t have to worry about anything because it can be solved in no time.

What cause this error?

There are many cases which show this error such as virus or malware issue, registry problem, etc. there are several ways to fix this issue and all of the methods are very easy, don’t need special skills for these methods.

The msvcr110.dll file missing means there is a file named msvcr110.dll is required to software or game to run. If the software or game did not find this file in the computer then will how this error.

Fix Error “the program can’t start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer…”

Here we have covered almost everything to solve this error. you have tried one by one to solve MSVCR110.dll is the missing error.


Method 1: Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Basically, these files mean you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Simply go to this Microsoft official website and download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, then install and check your issue will be solved.

Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Method 2: Try to reinstall the program

If problem not solved then uninstall the program which causes this error and then installs again. It doesn’t work the uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and install it again. This might solve your issue.

Method 3: Copy to msvcr110.dll to SysWOW64 or programs directory

Copy msvcr110.dll to Windows SysWOW64 directory is a good idea. To copy this file you need to navigate this location “C:\Windows\System32” and passed it to “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\.”. Also past the DLL file to installed program directory which shows this error.

Method 4: Run virus scanner

Virus or malware also cause this problem which means scanning your computer is a good idea. To do this you can use Windows defender which helps to this task. Follow Run Windows Defender Offline Scan When Malicious Stuff Is Difficult to Remove.

Run Windows Defender Offline Scan When Malicious Stuff Is Difficult to Remove

Method 5: Clean install Windows

If none of the above works then you need a clean installation of Windows because by doing this everything happens to your computer will be set to default and if you have a virus on the computer, this method also removes everything.


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