How to Increase Font / Text Size on iPhone or iPad

If you having trouble viewing text on your iPhone or iPad screen while using different apps. Don’t worry you can adjust the font size to make it larger and view easily on the screen. Not only you can increase the font size but also make it bolder. There are a couple of ways that you use to modify the text/font size on your iPhone or iPad devices.


Adjust the font size on iPhone using the Accessibility option

  1. Open Up Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. On the Settings screen, scroll down a bit and then Tap Accessibility option
  3. From the list of Accessibility options, Tap Display & Text Size to change the font size to either smaller or larger.
  4. Next, you will see all the options related to the display and text size of the device. As you can see the Larger Text option is Off currently so, Tap the Larger Text option.
  5. Now, you can use the slider at the bottom to make the text size larger. If you want to view larger accessibility sizes then tap the Larger Accessibility Size switch On.
  6. Once, the switch is turned On you will see at the bottom of the screen, you can use the slider to make the screen text size larger. Move the slider toward the right to make the font size larger or to the left to make the text size smaller.

    Note: All the installed apps on your device that support the Dynamic Type will adjust to your preferred reading size that you set here

Make font size larger on iPhone with Display & Brightness

  1. Simply open the Settings app and tap the Display & Brightness option.
  2. Tap the Text Size option from the list.
  3. You will see a Slider at the bottom, drag the slider to the right to make the font size larger or move towards the left and decrease the text size.

Make iPhone font bold

Not only you can increase or decrease iPhone text size but also you can make it bold.

  1. Go to Settings and tap the Display & Brightness option.
  2. Here, turn on the switch for the Bold Text.

Was that helpful?

so, this is how you can increase or decrease the text size on your iPhone or iPad. If you still have any questions and need further assistance, you can leave a comment below.



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